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The Rules of Seeing
Editorial Design
Photography and Lyrics

Inspired by the novel "The Rules of Seeing" by Joe Heap, I have been exploring the topic of learning to see.
I translated the visual challenges of an expanding sense of sight into photographs.
The learner of sight's alien, untouchable world is meant to become visible through the photographs, sometimes confusing our trained eye or drawing our attention to certain scenes that are so familiar to us.
All photographs in the publication were taken exclusively through staging and befitting snapshots. The Post-it's elements describe the respective "rules", and are intended to encourage using the sense of touch to reposition them as desired. Another element that supports the sense of touch is the embossing on the front and back of the book.
The medium of photography is used in my editorial design to bring the perspective of the learner of sight closer to the seer through the lens/eye of the camera.
In this way, the learner of sight is the protagonist, the camera is the mediator and the seer is the receptionist.

(Individual photographs are available in the Archive)